Yesterday's "What is it Wednesday" was a tough one. Florida is full of yellow flowers and my zoomed in picture made it hard to get a good look at the whole flower. If you guessed starry rosinweed, Silphium astericus, then you were correct! Starry rosinweed is a Florida native wildflower. It sends up tall leggy stems that can sometimes reach around 5 feet tall. These tall stems end in several yellow flowers that attract a wide variety of different pollinators.

We had several participants this week and have selected this week's winner. Check your inboxes to see if you are the winner! We know this week was tough. Make sure to check back next week for another chance to win!
Don't forget that we donate to the Florida Native Plant Society every time we host "What is it Wednesday". For every 10 participants we make a donation. So even if you don't know the answer, take a wild guess so we can raise money!
See you..............................................