If you found this blog, know that I am beginning it with excitement for what is to come. This website was originally started to promote and advertise our recently formed landscaping business, Fruit of Labor. Another focus of the business is online plants sales that focus on edible plants and plants native to Florida. Yet another focus of the website has been to create and post via forum and blog, tons of information. This information naturally is focused on gardening, landscaping, garden insects, homesteading, self-sufficiency, and general related information. But, now I feel it is time to expand even further.
My life, and the operation of the business, has been heavily influenced by recent spiritual growth guided by prayer and reading the Holy Bible more consistently. It is no coincidence that our business name is “Fruit of Labor” ( ). So within this category of the blog, I’d like to post a “devotional” of sorts. As you can tell by the name of the category, it will mostly be inspired by quiet times in nature. I find that this is a perfect time to talk to God, meditate, and read scripture.
As a man of God, these posts will come from a masculine perspective. If anyone would like to become guest writers, send me a message. I’d love to get some diverse writing styles and perspectives. I hope you will follow along and that this blog will benefit your walk and spiritual growth. If it does, stay notified for new posts so that you can keep feeding your spiritual appetite.
God bless.
