This week's "What is it Wednesday" was a tough one. I do not come across this plant very often in Florida landscapes. The answer is .....
Snapdragon!! This common name comes from the shape of the flower which resembles the head and snout of a dragon. There are many species and varieties of Snapdragons. The only domesticated Snapdragons are in the genus Antirrhinum and section Antirrhinum.
There are a lot of interesting facts about this flowering plant. We will save those for future "Fun Fact Fridays"
I want to congradulate our winner of this week's prize who participated on Facebook. We have tried contacting you so please check your notifications.
Thanks to everyone who participated. We did not have enough participation this week to fundraise money. Please help us reach more people by sharing our posts or telling others. For every 10 participants we donate money to some great organizations. We require no money from participants and there is no cost to claim the winner's prize. All we ask for is participation.
Check back next week for another chance to win!
See you..........................